to your destination
to your destination
to your destination
Team Organizational Chart
The purpose of this deliverable is to help you organize your team. An organizational chart outlines the assigned roles for each team member in a visual manner.
We recommend that everyone watch the Project Management training to know what an Org Chart is and to learn some teaming skills that will benefit them and their team.
Below are some helpful resources to aide you in completing this deliverable.
Org Chart Instructions
Team Organization Guide
Project Management
Training Video
Ready to submit your deliverable?
Click below to access the submission portal.
Note: Submission links will be made accessible 48 hours prior to the due date.
Mission Concept and Requirements Review (MCRR)
The MCRR is your team's first deliverable. The purpose of the MCRR is to get a head start on some of the most important aspects of your PDR and to allow the team to receive feedback on these key elements (see deliverable instructions for more).
Over the next couple weeks your team will utilize your Discord to communicate and complete this deliverable. A mentor will then review and provide feedback on what you submit, and then at your next team meeting you will discuss the feedback provided. Your team will then need to make the necessary changes requested and advised by the mentor. The mentors are all extremely capable and experienced people who have done these tasks before. Please take their feedback seriously and constructively.
For this deliverable, there are important skills you will want to have in order to be successful. Those skills can be learned in the requirements and risk-management skill modules. While these skill modules can be taken until the last day of the academy, it is recommended to do them now since it relates so heavily to what you are doing.
Project Overview
There will be multiple deliverables throughout the semester, some of which will be for individual participants to complete and others will be for the team to complete together. All deliverables except for the final proposal are due at 11:59 PM PT.
Taxonomy Topic Interest
The purpose of this deliverable is to identify the areas of interest to you within the Technology Taxonomy so that we can pair you with a team that best fits your interest/idea areas. Please read carefully through the Taxonomy and start to think about the areas which you can best apply your skills, what areas you have ideas for, or even areas that in general sound interesting! Once you have an idea of your interests, select 3 sections you would want to work it.
Below are some helpful resources to aide you in completing this deliverable.
Technology Taxonomy
Session 2 Recording
Ready to submit your deliverable?
Click below to access the submission portal.
Note: Submission links will be made accessible 48 hours prior to the due date.
Quad Charts
Are you ready to submit your ideas to NASA?
Below are some helpful resources to aide you in completing this deliverable.
Quad Chart Example
Quad Chart Template
Session 4 Recording
Ready to submit your deliverable?
Click below to access the submission portal.
Required Format
(merge into one pdf document)

Team Slide
For this deliverable, your team is required to create a team slide to showcase the members of your team!
Below are the deliverable instructions as well as some examples.

Team Slide Example 1

Team Slide Example 1

Team Slide Example 1

Click to expand and download.
Team Slide Instructions
Click to expand
Ready to submit your deliverable?
Click below to access the submission portal.
Note: Submission links will be made accessible 48 hours prior to the due date.
Shell Doc
The purpose of this deliverable is to help you ensure that all requirements outlined in the solicitation are included in your proposal to ensure your team can write not only a good proposal but a selectable proposal.
We recommend that everyone pitch in, or at least review the document, when transferring information from the solicitation into the shell doc to unsure everything is included.
Below are some helpful resources to aide you in completing this deliverable.
Session 6 recording
Ready to submit your deliverable?
Click below to access the submission portal.
Note: Submission links will be made accessible 48 hours prior to the due date.
Final Proposal
Congratulations, you made it to the finish line!
It is now time for final proofs then submission of your final proposal.
Below are some helpful resources to aide you in completing this deliverable.
Final team roster
Ready to submit your deliverable?
Click below to access the submission portal.
Note: Submission links will be made accessible 48 hours prior to the due date.
Review Panels
Are you ready to become a NASA proposal reviewer?! As part of the program, it is now time to step away from your team and learn how to review proposals.
As a reminder, attending a review panel is required for completion of the academy.