All NASA projects and missions will include requirements. Requirements are the language and foundations of why something is done and to what degree; such as a mission’s objectives, costs, and schedule. In this skill module you will learn the basics of requirements, verification and validation, what a science traceability matrix is, and different ways you can organize and communicate these. Use this training to guide you through the creation of your mission concept!
Training Videos
Requirements Template
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to your destination
to your destination
to your destination
In whatever project you work on there will always be stakes. In a space related mission the stakes can be tremendous; including billions of dollars, years of time invested, or worst of all, losing human lives. Engineers, Scientists and Managers at NASA all work together to reduce these risks from occurring so that missions will have the greatest chance of success. In this skill module you will learn how to identify, track, and mitigate risks so that you can apply this knowledge to your own mission concept.
Training Video
Supplemental FMEA Slides
Risk Matrix Template
FMEA Chart Template
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All projects have moving parts, some will have more than others, especially mission’s at NASA;. Costs, timelines, and people all need structure to make sure things will go smoothly, and that is where good leadership comes in. In this skill module you will learn how to best communicate and make decisions as a team, organizational structures, the NASA mission lifecycle, concept of operations, Gantt charts, and budgets. Understanding these skills will help your team be successful in this academy, and will carry onto any team you work on in the future.
Project Managment
Training Videos
Gantt Charts
Mission Phases
Cost Estimating
Contractor and Vendor Database
NICM Guide
Meeting Notes Template
Gantt Chart Template
Budget Template
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There are a lot of parts to a mission, and all of the different systems can quickly become a tangle of information. That is why NASA has Systems Engineers whose job is to simplify that information and make it easier for the rest of the team to digest it to make decisions or understand how things will all come together. With this skill module you will be introduced to different ideas such as system interface diagrams, technology readiness levels, as well as trade studies. You will then have the opportunity to apply what you learned towards your mission concept.
Training Videos
Systems Topics
Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
Systems Slides
TRL Slides
Trade Study Template
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One of the biggest challenges NASA missions face is designing a system that can withstand the harsh thermal environment of space. A spacecraft will need a thermal control system which will maintain the required temperature ranges to support sensitive instruments and other payloads that it may be carrying. With this skill module, you will learn about the importance of heat transfer and how you can do the necessary calculations to ensure your spacecraft will be able to maintain its required temperatures.
Heat Transfer
Training Video
Example Math
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Siemens NX
All parts of spacecraft start from somewhere. From a drawing on the back of a napkin to a fully rendered 3D model on a computer, engineers at NASA ultimately design all of these using the most sophisticated softwares. NX is a Computer Aided Drawing (CAD) software that is highly desired within the aerospace industry, including NASA, but acquiring the software and training on your own can be quite expensive. Our partner, and owner of the NX CAD software, Siemens, is providing this software to the students of L’SPACE for free. Through this skill module you will have the opportunity to learn how to model parts, create assemblies, and make engineering drawings of your mission concept’s spacecraft.
Participants in L’SPACE will also have the opportunity to earn the NX Design Associate Certification for free, which will help set them far apart from other job applicants. To learn more about the certification process please click here (roadmap is still in progress). .
Training Videos
Training 1
Training 2
Training 3
Training 4
Extra Topics
Practice Assembly Parts
NX Download Instructions and Request Form
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As you have heard over and over in this experience, teaming is everything! This module will be a reflective extension of Orlando Figueroa's talk from session 2. Please be sure to watch that recording if you missed the session. Successful completion of the assessment AND being a contributor to your team's PDR will add an endorsement to your final completion certificate at the end of the Mission Concept Academy.